
About the Application You Build in This Tutorial

This tutorial guides you through the development of a Human Resources (HR) application for a fictitious company called AnyCo Corp. The application enables users to view and modify employee information stored in the OEHR_DEPARTMENTS and OEHR_EMPLOYEES tables.

When building the application, you perform these tasks:

  1. Creating the Initial Application: Create an application that includes a Home page and a basic Departments report.

  2. Modifying the Departments Report: Expand the report to pull in data from other tables.

  3. Using an Interactive Report: Run and use the Interactive Report.

  4. Adding an Employees Report and Form: Build an Employee form and report based on the OEHR_EMPLOYEES table.

  5. Editing the Employees Report: Add calculated fields to the Employees report.

  6. Adding a Link on the Home Page to the Employees Report: Add a link on the Home page.

  7. Adding a Department Column to the Employees Report: Modify the Employees report to enable the user to select a department.

  8. "Linking a Column Value to Another Page": Add a link on the Departments report that navigates the user to the Employees report.

  9. Adding a List of Values to the Employees Report: Add a report as a region that displays department details.

  10. Adding Your Company Name: Add your company name so that it appears on all pages in your application.

  11. Switching Themes to Change the User Interface: Switch the theme for your application.