
Using an Interactive Report

This exercise guides you through some commonly used report options available to users when they run interactive reports. These options allow the user to perform certain tasks quickly.


You already used the Select Column option from the Actions menu to add columns to the report display. In this section, you run the application and use some of the various search, sort, highlight and reset features to manipulate the Departments interactive report.

This tutorial only touches on some of the most prominent functionality available with interactive reports. For complete details see "Customizing Interactive Reports" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

Save Report Settings as the Default

Both developers and end users can save an interactive report. However, only a developer can save the report that initially displays, called the Primary Default report.

You can save four types of interactive reports:

To save current report settings as the default:

  1. Click the Actions menu.

  2. Select Save Report.

    The Save Report settings appear.

  3. From Save, select As Default Report Settings.

    Description of bldap_default.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bldap_default.gif

    The Default Report Type settings appear

  4. Select Primary and click Apply.

    The report will show all columns when the user selects the Reset option from the Actions menu or when the page is reset by a Reset Interactive Report command, RIR.

    See Also:

    For a description of how to save as a report as a Named Report see "Customizing Interactive Reports" in the Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

Create a Filter

This exercise shows you how a user can add a filter to the Departments report. This example creates a filter to show all departments with the exception of departments with an Id of 60.

There is more than one way a user can create a filter. The user can add a filter from the:

The Actions menu offers more options than the others. For a quick filter using the equals operator, the Search Bar or column heading are the quickest methods. For anything else, use the Filter option from the Actions menu.

To create a filter for all departments not equal to 60:

  1. Click the Actions menu.

  2. Select Filter.

    The filter settings display. Note the user can also click the column heading link to create a filter for that column. Creating a filter from the column heading menu, however, is limited to the equal operator.

    Description of bldap_filter.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bldap_filter.gif

  3. From Operator, select the not equals operator (!=).

  4. From Expression, select 60.

  5. Click Apply.

    The Departments report is displayed with the Department_Id!=60 filter applied. All departments, accept for the IT department with a Department Id of 60, are included in the report.

    Description of bldap_dept60.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bldap_dept60.gif

    Notice the filter displays at the top of the report. You can edit, disable, or delete this filter. To edit, click on the filter name. To disable, uncheck the check box. To delete, click on the Delete icon that looks like an X over the filter icon.

  6. Deselect the check box next to the Department Id!=60 filter to disable it.

    The report shows data for all Department Ids.

Change the Sort Order

In this exercise, you learn how the user can reorder the data for each column.

To change the sort order:

  1. Click the Actions menu.

  2. Select Format and then Sort.

    The sort settings are displayed. Note this option is also available for each column by clicking the column heading. The Actions menu is quicker when changing the sort order for multiple columns.

  3. Select Department Name for the first column entry.

    Description of bldap_actionsort.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bldap_actionsort.gif

  4. Click Apply.

    The report shows the Department Name column in ascending alphabetical order.

    Description of bldap_ascend.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bldap_ascend.gif

    Notice the up arrow icon after the Department Name that indicates the column has been sorted in ascending order. You can click on this arrow to resort the column.

Add a Controlled Break

Another way to reformat a report is to create a controlled break. A controlled break enables the user to delineate data into clearly visible groups.

To add a controlled break:

  1. Click the Location column heading.

    The column heading menu appears.

  2. Click the Control Break icon as shown below.

    Note this same option is also available from the Actions, Format menu.

    Description of bldap_ctlbrk.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bldap_ctlbrk.gif

    The report is reformatted to show a break after each group of rows that share the same location.

    Description of bldap_locbrk.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bldap_locbrk.gif

    Note the Location control break report setting displays under the Search bar.

Display the Single Row View

You can also display details for a row by selecting the Single Row icon.

To display the single row view:

  1. Locate the Single Row View icon for the first row.

    Description of bldap_singlerow.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bldap_singlerow.gif

  2. Select the Single Row View icon for the first row.

    The details page for the first row appears.

    Description of bldap_details.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bldap_details.gif

Reset Report Settings

You can revert the report settings back to the saved default settings. When an interactive report is reset, the default settings are applied to the report. An interactive report can be reset by the user and by the developer under the following conditions:

To return to the default settings:

  1. Click the Report View.

  2. Click the Actions menu and select Reset.

  3. When prompted to restore the default settings, click Apply.

    The report goes back to the default report settings saved in the previous section.