
Editing Interactive Reports as a Developer

By default, an interactive report includes a Search Bar which contains a search icon, text area, Go button, and Actions menu. Users can use these controls to alter the layout of report data by selecting columns, applying filters, highlighting, and sorting. This section describes how developers can customize an interactive report by editing report attributes.



To learn more about using interactive reports as a user, see "Customizing Interactive Reports"

Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page

You customize an interactive report by editing attributes on the Interactive Report Attributes page.

To access the Report Attributes page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.

  2. Select the application.

  3. Select the page containing the interactive report you wish to edit.

    The Page Definition appears.

  4. To access the Interactive Report Attributes page:

  5. The Report Attributes page appears and is divided into the following sections:

  6. To learn more about a specific attribute, click the item label.

    When Help is available, the item label changes to red when you pass your cursor over it and the cursor changes to an arrow and question mark. See "About Field-Level Help".

About Navigation Alternatives

The Report Attribute page is divided into these sections: Column Attributes, Groups, Pagination, Sorting, Search Bar, Download, Link Column, Icon View, Detail View, Advanced, and Description.

You can access these sections by scrolling down the page, or by clicking a navigation button at the top of the page.

Description of int_rprt_nav.gif follows
Description of the illustration int_rprt_nav.gif

When you select a button at the top of the page, the selected section appears and all other sections are temporarily hidden. To view all sections of the page, click Show All.

Editing Interactive Report Column Attributes

You can use the Column Attributes section of the Report Attributes page to precisely control the report layout. For example, you can use these attributes to alter column heading text, change column positioning, or hide a column.

To access Column Attributes:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click Application Builder.

  2. Select the application.

  3. Select the page containing the interactive report you wish to edit.

    The Page Definition appears.

  4. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears with the Column Attributes section at the top of the page.

    Description of int_rprt_col.gif follows
    Description of the illustration int_rprt_col.gif

    Use the Column Attributes section to control report column appearance and functionality.

    Heading displays the heading text to be included in the report. Type indicates the type of query column. The Link column indicates if a link column is currently defined.

    Table: Common Report Column Edits for Interactive Reports describes common report column edits.

    Common Report Column Edits for Interactive Reports

    Description Developer Action

    Alter column display sequence.

    Click the up and down arrows to change the column display sequence.

    Note that this display sequence is only used in the Single Row View if enabled. It does not affect report column display. The report column display can be changed when you run the report and save.

    Change column group assignment.

    If Column Groups are defined, individual columns can be assigned under Column Group.

    Change column heading text.

    Under Heading, enter different heading text.

    Change how columns display.

    Select an option from Display Text As.

    You can further refine the attributes of a specific column on the Column Attributes page.

  5. To access the Column Attributes page, click the Edit icon next to the appropriate column Alias.

    The Column Definition appears.

    Description of ir_col_def.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ir_col_def.gif

    Use the check boxes under Allow Users To to control how users manipulate the report. Options include: Hide, Sort, Filter, Highlight, Control Break, Aggregate, Compute, Chart, and Group By.

  6. Under Column Definition, Allow Users To, select the appropriate check boxes.

    To learn more about a specific attribute, click the item label.

Creating Column Groups

Use column groups to group columns together on a single row view.

To create a column group:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Column Groups.

  3. Click Add Group.

  4. Under Column Group:

    1. Sequence - Enter the display sequence for this column group. This attribute determines the order in which the column groups display in the detail view.

    2. Group Name - Enter a column group name. This name displays in the region header in detailed view.

    3. Description - Enter an optional description for the column group. This description never displays to the end user.

  5. Click Create.

Controlling Interactive Report Pagination

You control how pagination displays by making selections from Pagination attributes on the Interactive Report Attributes page.

To access the Pagination section of the Report Attributes page:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Pagination.

    You use the Pagination attributes to select a pagination style, determine where pagination occurs, specify the maximum number of rows to query, and messages to display when more than the maximum number of rows are returned or if no rows are returned.

    Table: Pagination Attributes describes the available Pagination attributes.

Pagination Attributes

Attribute Description

Pagination Type

Select a pagination type. Pagination provides the user with information about the number of rows and the current position within the result set. Pagination can be displayed above or below the report (or both) and can be positioned on the left or right. Available pagination options include:

  • Row Ranges X to Y

  • Row Ranges X to Y of Z

Pagination Display Position

Defines where pagination occurs. Pagination can be display on the left side, right side, at the bottom, or above the report.

Show Null Values as

Enter the text you want to display for null columns. The default value is (null).

Maximum Row Count

Defines the maximum number of rows to query, for example, rows 1 - 10 or 456.

If you set this attribute to 200, the result would appear as follows:

rows 1 - 10 of more than 200 rows

Note that this attribute impacts performance. Counting fewer rows can improve performance and counting thousands of rows can degrade performance.

When more than maximum row data found message

Defines the text message that displays when more than maximum row count are returned.

When No Data Found Message

Defines the text message that displays when the query does not return any rows.

Managing Interactive Report Column Sorting

You manage column sorting on the Interactive Report Attributes page.

To manage column sorting:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Under Column Attributes, click the Edit icon for the column for which you want to enable sorting.

  3. Under Column Definition, select Sort and click Apply Changes.

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  4. Scroll down to Sorting.

  5. Specify ascending and descending image attributes and click Apply Changes.

Customizing the Interactive Report Search Bar

A search bar displays at the top of every interactive report and includes a Search icon, Text area, Go button, and Actions menu.

Description of ir_search_bar.gif follows
Description of the illustration ir_search_bar.gif

You can remove or customize the search bar by selecting and deselecting options in the Search Bar section of the Interactive Reports Attributes page.


Customizing the Search Bar

To customize the search bar:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Search Bar.

    Description of ir_att_search_bar.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ir_att_search_bar.gif

    Use these attributes to customize how the search bar displays. Table: Search Bar Attributes describes Search bar attributes:

    Search Bar Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Include Search Bar

    Select Yes or No. Selecting No removes the following default components:

    • Search Field - Displays a text field in the search bar in which to enter search criteria.

    • Finder Drop Down - Enables users to search on a selected column or against all columns.

    • Reports Select List - Displays report select list if the report has alternative default, shared report or personal report. See "Saving a Report".

    • Rows Per Page Selector - Displays a select list to enable users to select the number of rows to display per page.

    • Actions Menu - Enables the user to customize the report based on selected Actions.

    Include in Actions Menu

    Select and deselect functions included in the Actions menu. Available options include:

    • Select Columns - Used to hide, unhide, and order the report columns.

    • Filter - Used to add filters to the report (for example, STATE = VA).

    • Rows Per Page - Used to display rows per page menu.

    • Sort - Used to sort columns.

    • Control Break - Used to build control breaks on report columns.

    • Highlight - Used to define conditions that will highlight certain rows.

    • Compute - Used to add computed columns.

    • Aggregate - Used to include aggregate calculations on report columns.

    • Chart - Used to create a Flash chart based off the data in the report.

    • Group By - Used to create a Group By view based off the data in the report.

    • Flashback - Used to flashback the report data to some time in the past.

    • Save Report - Used to save the report settings for future use. Only available for authenticated pages.

    • Save Public Report * - Used to save Public Report for all users to view. You must select Save Report to enable this option. Only available for unauthenticated pages.

    • Reset - Used to reset the report to the default settings.

    • Help - Used to display instructions for using the Interactive report.

    • Download - Used to download the report in different formats.

    • Subscription * - Used to schedule a subscription to send the report in email. Only available for unauthenticated pages.

    See Also: "Using the Actions Menu".

    Save Report Public Authorization

    Users can save reports and classify them as being either public or private. Public reports can be viewed by all users. Private reports can only be viewed by the user who saved the report.

    In addition to enabling Save Public Report under Actions Menu, you can add additional security by defining an Authorization Scheme to determine who has rights to enable Save Public Report.

    To enable support for public reports, select an authentication method from this list.

    Button Template

    Select a template for buttons that display in the search region and in the dialogs.

    Finder Image

    Specify an image. If no image is defined, the following is used:


    Actions Menu Image

    Specify an image. If no image is defined, the default button will be used.

    Search Button Label

    Specify the text to use as search button label.

    Maximum Rows Per Page

    Enter the maximum number to display in the Rows Per Page Selector.

  3. Click Apply Changes.

Removing the Search Bar

To remove the search bar:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Search Bar.

  3. From Include Search Bar, select No.

  4. Click Apply Changes.

Configuring Download Options on the Actions Menu

You can add a Download option to the Actions menu to enable users to download an interactive report as a comma-delimited file (CSV) format, HTML, Microsoft Excel (XLS) format, Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), Microsoft Word Rich Text Format (RTF), or as HTML attached to an email.

Description of download.gif follows
Description of the illustration download.gif

Enabling Download Formats

To configure download formats:

  1. Navigate to the page containing the interactive report.

  2. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  3. Scroll down to Search Bar.

    1. For Include Search Bar, select Yes and then select Actions Menu.

    2. Under Include in Actions menu, select Download.

  4. Scroll down to Download.

  5. Select download formats. Options include:


    The Download option only appears on the Actions menu if a file format is selected.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

Enabling CSV Download

To enable the Enable CSV download:

  1. Enable the CSV output option on the Edit Globalization Attributes page. See "Accessing the Globalization Attributes Page" and "Automatic CSV Encoding".

  2. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  3. Scroll down to Search Bar.

    1. For Include Search Bar, select Yes and then select Actions Menu.

    2. Under Include in Actions menu, select Download.

  4. Scroll down to Download.

  5. From Download Formats, select CSV.


    The Download option only appears on the Actions menu if a file format is selected.

  6. In the CSV Separator, define the column separator. If no value is entered, a comma or semicolon is used depending on your current NLS settings.

  7. In the CSV Enclosed By, enter delimiter character. This character is used to delineate the starting and ending boundary of a data value. Default delimiter is double quotation marks (" ").

  8. In Filename, enter a name for the downloaded document. Do not specify a file extension, the extension is added automatically. If you leave this blank, the region name is used as the file name.

  9. Click Apply Changes.

Enabling Email Download

You can configure the Download option to send static HTML report to specific email addresses.

To enable email download:

  1. An Oracle Application Express administrator must configure email at the Instance level. See "Configuring Mail" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide

  2. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  3. Scroll down to Search Bar.

    1. For Include Search Bar, select Yes and then select Actions Menu.

    2. Under Include in Actions menu, select Download.

  4. Scroll down to Download.

  5. From Download Formats, select Email.


    The Download option only appears on the Actions menu if a file format is selected.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

Understanding Link Columns

A Link Column displays on the left side of an interactive report. It can link to a single row view, a custom target, or be excluded from the report. Note that a Link Column cannot be sorted, hidden, or moved by an end user and does not interact with the standard column link defined on the Column Attributes page.

Linking to a Single Row View

To link to a single row view:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Link Column.

  3. For Link Column, select Link to Single Row View.

  4. From Single Row View, select the appropriate options:

    • Allow Exclude Null Values - Excludes columns with null values.

    • Allow Displayed Columns - Displays only the columns shown in the report.

  5. For Uniquely Identify Rows by, select ROWID or Unique Column.

    If you select, Unique Column, specify the column in the Unique Column field.

  6. For Link Icon, select an icon.

  7. For Link Attributes (Optional), specify additional column link attributes to be included in the <a href= > tag (for example, a link target, classes, or styles).

  8. Click Apply Changes.

Linking to a Specific Page

To link to a specific page:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Link Column.

  3. For Link Column, select Link to Custom Target.

  4. For Link Icon, select an icon.

  5. For Link Attributes (Optional), specify additional column link attributes to be included in the <a href= > tag (for example, a link target, classes, or styles).

  6. For Target, select Page in this Application.

  7. For Page, select the target page number. To reset the pagination for this page, select Reset Pagination.

  8. For Request, specify the request to be used.

  9. For Clear Cache, specify the pages (that is, the page numbers) on which to clear cache. You can specify multiple pages by listing the page numbers in a comma-delimited list. See "Linking to Interactive Reports".

  10. For Name and Value, specify session state for a specific item.

  11. Click Apply Changes.

Linking to a URL

To link to a URL:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Link Column.

  3. For Link Column, select Link to Custom Target.

  4. For Link Icon, select an icon.

  5. For Link Attributes (Optional), specify additional column link attributes that to be included in the <a href= > tag (for example, a link target, classes, or styles).

  6. From Target, select URL.

  7. In URL, enter the appropriate address.

  8. For Checksum - Select one of the following:

    • Use default

    • Application Level - Link reusable by any user

    • User Level - Link reusable by current user

    To learn more about each option, see item Help.

  9. Click Apply Changes.

Excluding a Link Column

To exclude a column link:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Link Column.

  3. For Link Column, select Exclude Link Column.

  4. Click Apply Changes.

Creating a Column Link in an Interactive Report

Use Column Attributes to create a link from a report to another page in your application or to a URL.

To create a column link to another page:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Under Column Attributes, locate the column to contain the link.

  3. Click the Edit icon next to the column name.

    The Column Attributes page appears.

  4. Scroll down to Column Link.

  5. To create a column link to another page:

    1. From Target, select Page in this Application.

    2. (Optional) In Link Attributes, specify additional column link attributes to be included in the <a href= > tag (for example, a link target, classes, or styles).

    3. In Link Text, enter the text to be displayed as a link, specify an image tag, or pick from the list of default images.

    4. In Page, specify the target page number. To reset the pagination for this page, select Reset Pagination.

    5. In Request, specify the request to be used.

    6. In Clear Cache, specify the pages (that is, the page numbers) on which to clear cache. You can specify multiple pages by listing the page numbers in a comma-delimited list.

    7. Use the Name and Value fields to specify session state for a specific item.

    8. For Checksum - Select one of the following:

      • Use default

      • Application Level - Link reusable by any user

      • User Level - Link reusable by current user

      To learn more about each option, see item Help.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

To create a column link to a URL:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Access the Column Attributes page by clicking the Edit icon next to the appropriate column.

    The Column Attributes page appears.

  3. Scroll down to Column Link.

  4. Under Column Link, specify the following:

    1. From Target, select URL.

    2. In Link Text, enter the text to be displayed as a link and select a substitution string.

    3. (Optional) In Link Attributes, specify additional column link attributes to be included in the <a href= > tag (for example, a link target, classes, or styles).

    4. In URL, enter the appropriate address.

  5. Click Apply Changes.

Displaying Interactive Reports Conditionally

You can choose to have interactive reports display conditionally by editing region attributes on the Edit Region page.

To display an interactive report conditionally:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Page Definition. See "Accessing the Page Definition".

  2. Access the Edit Region page:

    • Component view - Under Regions, select the region name.

    • Tree view - Right-click the region name and select Edit.

    The Edit Region page appears.

  3. Scroll down to Conditions.

  4. From the Condition Type list, make a selection.

  5. Enter an expression in the fields provided.

  6. Click Apply Changes.


Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is used throughout interactive reports. Because AJAX is asynchronous, the value evaluated for conditional display needs to be in the session. To display an interactive report conditionally based on specified value, use a page item instead of using a :REQUEST value. Using :REQUEST in a conditional display causes in the interactive report function incorrectly.

Defining a Column as a List of Values in an Interactive Report

In interactive reports you can use a list of values to improve the speed of built-in filter tools.

To define a report column as a list of values:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Access the Column Attributes page by clicking the Edit icon next to the appropriate column.

    The Column Attributes page appears.

  3. Scroll down to List of Values.

  4. From Column Filter List of Values, specify how to create a list of values as a filter on the report column list. Available options include:

    • None - Disable filter on list of values.

    • Default Based on Column Type - STRING and NUMBER columns derive the list of values from distinct column values. DATE columns derive the list of values from predefined date ranges.

    • Use Defined List of Values to Filter Word Contains - Derive the list of values from a defined list of values SQL query to create a contains filter.

    • Use Named List of Values to Filter Exact Match - Derive the list of values from the named list of values to create an equal filter.

    • Use Named List of Values to Filter Word Contains - Derive the list of values from the named list of values to create a contains filter.

  5. Click Apply Changes.

Enabling Icon View

Be default, most interactive reports display as a report. You can optionally display columns as icons. When configured, a View Icons icon displays on the Search bar.

Description of ir_search_bar_icon.gif follows
Description of the illustration ir_search_bar_icon.gif

To utilize Icon view, you must identify the columns used to identify the icon, the label, and the target (that is, the link). As a best practice, set these columns to display as hidden since they are typically not useful for end users.

To add Icon view to an interactive report:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Icon View.

    Description of ir_icon_view.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ir_icon_view.gif

  3. For Icon View Enabled, select Yes.

  4. Specify the following mandatory attributes:

    • Link Column - Select the column that returns the link target of the icon. See item Help for an example.

    • Image Source Column - Identify the column that returns the image source. See item Help for an example.

    • Label Column - Select the column that returns the image label. See item Help for an example.

  5. For Columns Per Row, identify the number of icons to be displayed per row. A value of 5 would display 5 icons per row.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

Enabling Detail View

Be default, most interactive reports display as a report. You can optionally display details about each column. When configured, a View Details icon displays on the Search bar.

Description of ir_search_bar_detail.gif follows
Description of the illustration ir_search_bar_detail.gif

To add Details view to an interactive report:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Detail View.

  3. For Detail View Enabled, select Yes.

  4. Specify the following attributes:

    • Before Rows - Enter the HTML to be displayed before report rows. For example:

    • For Each Row (Use #COLUMN_ALIAS# substitutions) - Use substitution strings for column names and column labels. For example:

      <tr><td align="right">#ENAME_LABEL#:</td><td>#ENAME#</td></tr>
      <tr><td align="right">#JOB_LABEL#:</td><td>#JOB#</td></tr
    • AFter Rows - Enter the HTML to be displayed after report rows. For example:

  5. Click Apply Changes.

Configuring Advanced Attributes for Interactive Reports

Use the Advanced Attributes section to define the Interactive Report region alias, specify an item whose value stores the saved report id, and define items to set into session state.

To configure Advanced Attributes:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Scroll down to Advanced Attributes.

    Table: Advanced Attributes describes the available Advanced Attributes.

    Advanced Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Region Alias

    Enter an alphanumeric alias for this interactive report region. The alias must be unique within the application.

    You can use an alias to reference an interactive report in an API call. For example, you can write a function to return INTERACTIVE_REPORT_ID by querying ALIAS column in the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR view). The alias must be unique within the application. Since the INTERACTIVE_REPORT_ID value can change when you export or import to different instance, referencing an interactive report region using an alias can be useful.

    Report ID Item

    This attribute enables you to send a user directly to a saved view of the report. You specify an item whose value stores the report ID of the saved view. Report ID's can be retrieved from the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR_RPT view.

    Page Items to Submit

    Enter a comma separated list of items to be set into session state when the user clicks the Go button on the search bar. Only items on the current page will be set.

  3. Click Apply Changes.

Linking to Interactive Reports

Unlike classic reports which typically use page items as report parameters, the data in an interactive report is driven by declarative filters. However, the developer may desire to set these report parameters by modifying interactive report settings for an end user. These settings only affect the end user's working report and will not affect any saved report settings.

To reset an interactive report in a link, use the string "RIR" in the Clear-Cache section of a URL. This is equivalent to the end user choosing the Reset option from the interactive report actions menu on the target page. The report is returned to the default report settings specified by the developer or saved by the user.

To create a Row text contains filter on an interactive report, use the string IR_ROWFILTER in the Item Names section of the URL. Adding this string passes the filter value in the corresponding location in the Item Values section of the URL.

To create a filter on an interactive report in a link, use the string IR<operator>_<target column alias> in the Item Names section of the URL, and pass the filter value in the corresponding location in the Item Values section of the URL.

Valid operators include:

Consider the following examples:


The previous example is equivalent to the end user creating a filter on the target page: ENAME = KING. Note that when an operator is not provided, EQ is used because it is the default.


The previous example is equivalent to the end user creating a filter on the target page: SAL > 3000.

Linking to Shared Interactive Reports

You can link to saved primary default, alternative default and public reports using IR_REPORT_[report_alias] in the request value of the URL.

Link Examples to a Primary Report

The following examples demonstrate how to link to a primary report (report_alias=12345):

This example links to a primary report:


This example links, resets, and clears primary report settings:


This example links, resets, and clears primary report settings. It additionally creates a ENAME = 'KING' filter on the primary report:


Link Examples to Saved Reports

The following examples demonstrate how to link to a saved report (report_alias=12345):

This example links to a saved report:


This example links, resets, and clears settings for saved report 12345:


This example links, resets, and clears saved report 12345 settings. It additionally creates a ENAME = 'KING' filter on saved report 12345.


Note that if you reset, clear, or create filter using URL without the IR_REPORT_[report_alias] request value, it resets, clears, and creates filter on the primary report. For example, this link goes to the primary report:


Editing the Saved Report Alias

Developers can edit the report alias or view link examples by going to Saved Reports page.

To access the Saved Reports page.

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.

  2. Select the application.

  3. Go to the Page Definition containing the saved interactive report.

    The Page Definition appears.

  4. To access the Saved Reports page:

    • Tree view - Right-click the Region name and select Edit Saved Reports.

    • Component view - Under Regions, click the Saved Reports link.

      The Saved Reports page appears.

  5. In Report Alias, you can either:

    • Enter a new alias for the saved report

    • Copy and paste the link example to link to a specific saved report

  6. Click Apply Changes.

Viewing and Deleting Saved Reports

Each interactive report can have multiple default reports. A report categorized as Primary Default displays initially and cannot be renamed nor deleted. A report saved as Alternative Default can be selected from Reports list on the Search bar.

End users can also save reports and classify them as being either public or private. Public reports can be viewed by all users. Private reports can only be viewed by the user who saved the report. To learn more see, "Saving a Report".

To view a listing of Saved Reports:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. Click the Saved Reports tab.

    A report displays all saved reports by report type, report name, owner, and report alias.

    Description of ir_saved_reports.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ir_saved_reports.gif

  3. To delete a report, select it and click Delete Checked.

Viewing Saved Report Activity

Developers can view saved report activity by clicking the View Saved Report Activity link under Tasks on the Edit Report Attributes page. This link only displays if saved reports other than the primary default report exist. You can use this page to determine which reports are being used and which ones are not.

To view saved report activity:

  1. Access the Interactive Report Attributes page. See "Accessing the Interactive Report Attributes Page".

    The Interactive Report Attributes page appears.

  2. On the Tasks list, click View Saved Report Activity.


You can also view saved report activity from the Workspace Administration page. On the Workspace home page, click Administration and then Monitory Activity. Under Page Views, click by Interactive Report.