
Viewing Items on the Page Definition

You create and edit page-level items on the Page Definition. In both Component and Tree view, items section appears in the Page Rendering section. See "Switching Between Tree and Component View".


Viewing Items in Tree View

In Tree view, items display within a tree under the region which contains them.

Description of pg_def_items_tree.gif follows
Description of the illustration pg_def_items_tree.gif

To edit or add an item, right-click to display a context menu. Then, make a selection from the context menu.


You can also edit an item by double-clicking the item name or selecting the name and pressing ENTER. See "Editing a Page in Tree View".

Description of pg_def_item_menu.gif follows
Description of the illustration pg_def_item_menu.gif

To edit multiple items at once, right-click Items and select Edit All. The Items page appears. See "Editing Multiple Items Simultaneously".

You can interactively reorder items within a given region or move them to another region by dragging and dropping them.

Viewing Items in Component View

Description of pg_def_items.gif follows
Description of the illustration pg_def_items.gif

In Component view, items display under the Items. You can temporarily hide all other subsections by clicking the Items icon. To restore the view, click Show All. The Show All icon resembles an inverted triangle.

The following icons display next to the section title:

Items are organized by region. To edit an item, click the item name.

About the Drag and Drop Icon

You can quickly change the appearance of a page by clicking the Drag and drop icon to access the Drag and Drop Layout page. The Drag and drop icon resembles a rectangle and displays to the right of the Reorder Region Items icon.

Description of drag_drap_ico.gif follows
Description of the illustration drag_drap_ico.gif

You can use the Drag and Drop Layout page to interactively reorder items within a given region, change select item attributes, create items, or delete existing items. See "Using the Drag and Drop Layout Page".

About the Reorder Items Icon

You can quickly edit the label and position of items in a region by clicking the Reorder Region Items icon on the Page Definition. This icon resembles a light green down or up arrow.

Description of reorder_items.gif follows
Description of the illustration reorder_items.gif