
Exporting Images

Use the Export Images utility to export uploaded images. When you export images using this utility, the images are converted to a text document. Note that you can use this utility to export only uploaded images.

To export upload images:

  1. Navigate to the Export page:

    1. On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.

    2. On the Application Builder home page, click Export.

  2. On the Export page, click Images.

  3. On the Export Images page, select the following:

    1. Export Images in Application - Select an application from which to export images.

      Be aware that selecting Workspace Images only exports those images in your repository that are not associated with a specific application. If all of your images are associated with specific applications, then the workspace image export file will be empty.

    2. File Format - Select how rows in the export file will be formatted:

      • Choose UNIX to have the resulting file contain rows delimited by line feeds.

      • Choose DOS to have the resulting file contain rows delimited by carriage returns and line feeds.

  4. Click Export Images.