
Where Images, CSS, and Script Files Are Stored

In order to run, Oracle Application Express must have access to either Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql or the embedded PL/SQL gateway. Where images, CSS, and script files are stored depends upon the HTTP server you choose.


Where Images, CSS, and Script Files Are Stored When Using Oracle HTTP Server

In an Oracle HTTP Server or Oracle Application Server configuration, images are stored on the file system in the location referenced by the alias /i/. To locate the images directory on the file system, review the following files and search for the text alias /i/:

Specific examples for locating the text alias /i/ can be found in Oracle Application Express Installation Guide

Where Images, CSS, and Script Files Are Stored When Using the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway

When running Oracle Application Express with the embedded PL/SQL gateway, images are stored directly in the database within the Oracle XML DB repository. You can access images by using the WebDAV feature of Oracle XML DB or by using FTP. To learn more, see "Using Protocols to Access the Repository" in Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide.