
About the Products Page

The Products page enables users to view and edit product information. The Products page consists of two main regions:

Products displays product information. This region is based on a SQL query that uses a custom function for displaying images stored in the database.

By default, this page display in Icon view. To edit product information in Icon view, click an image.

To view the information in a report format, click the View Report icon to the right of the Go button. In Report view, you can sort by product category by clicking the column heading and then selecting the Up or Down arrow to sort in ascending or descending mode. See "Selecting Columns and Sort Order". Users can change the appearance of the report using the Actions menu. See "Using the Actions Menu". To edit a product description, click the Edit icon. To add a new product, click the Create Product button at the top of the page.

Top 5 Products is also a SQL report. This report outlines the top five products based on quantities sold.

See Also:

"Creating Reports"