
Referencing Item Values

You can reference item values stored in session state in regions, computations, processes, validation, and branches. Table: Syntax for Referencing Item Values describes the supported syntax for referencing item values.

Syntax for Referencing Item Values

Type Syntax Description



Standard bind variable syntax for items whose names are no longer than 30 bytes. Use this syntax for references within a SQL query and within PL/SQL code.



PL/SQL syntax referencing the item value using the V function. Use this syntax in PL/SQL code of packages or stored procedures and functions.

Avoid this syntax in SQL statements. It may result in performance problems.

See Also: Oracle Application Express API Reference



Standard PL/SQL syntax referencing the numeric item value using the NV function. Use this syntax in PL/SQL code of packages or stored procedures and functions.

Avoid this syntax in SQL statements.It may result in performance problems.

See Also: Oracle Application Express API Reference

Static Text (exact)


Static text. Exact Substitution.

Note: Exact substitution syntax should be avoided in SQL or PL/SQL code because it can result in SQL Injection vulnerabilities.

You can set the value of an item in your application using any of the following methods: