
Selecting an Application Mode and Adding Users

You can control access to an application by running the Access Control Administration page, selecting an application mode, and then adding users to the Access Control list.


Selecting an Application Mode

To select an application mode:

  1. Create an access control list. See "Creating an Access Control List".

    The wizard creates a page named Access Control Administration.

  2. Run the Access Control Administration page. See "Running a Page or Application".

  3. Select an Application Mode. Options include:

    • Full access to all, access control list not used.

      Select this option to enable all users access to an application.

    • Restricted access. Only users defined in the access control list are allowed.

      Select this option to restrict access to users on the Access Control List. Only users on the Access Control List can view pages and components associated with an authorization scheme.

    • Public read only. Edit and administrative privileges controlled by access control list.

      Provides public access to pages and components associated with the access control - view authorization scheme.

    • Administrative access only.

      Only users with Administrator privileges can access pages or components associated with an authorization scheme.

  4. Click Set Application Mode.

    Note that the user interface of your page is dependent upon the theme you selected for your application. See "Managing Themes".

    Next, add users to the Access Control List.

Adding Users to the Access Control List and Selecting Privileges

To add users to the Access Control List:

  1. Under Access Control List, click Add User.

    A new row appears.

  2. Enter a user in the Username field.

  3. Associate a privilege with the user. Available options include:

    • Administrator

    • Edit

    • View

  4. Click Apply Changes.

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for all users.

Removing Users from the Access Control List

To remove users from the Access Control List:

  1. Select the user to be removed by selecting the check box to the left of the user name.

  2. Click Delete.