
Uploading Files to Associate with a Plug-in

Upload image, CSS and JavaScript files you want to associate with your plug-in. Use #PLUGIN_PREFIX# in uploaded CSS and JavaScript files to reference another uploaded file. See the Plug-in Files region on the right of the Upload New File page for more details.

For example, in a CSS file the reference might be:


To upload a file:

  1. Navigate to the Plug-ins page. See Accessing Plug-ins.

  2. Click the plug-in you want to upload to.

    The Plug-in Create/Edit page appears.

  3. Scroll down to Files and click Upload New File.

    The Upload New File page appears.

  4. For File, browse to and select the file you want to upload.

  5. Click Upload.

    The Create/Edit page appears. The name of the uploaded file appears under Files.

  6. Click Apply Changes.