
Adding Custom Attributes to a Plug-in

A plug-in attribute is used to prompt the developer for additional data in the Builder when the plug-in is used.

To add custom attributes to the plug-in:

  1. Navigate to the Plug-ins page. See Accessing Plug-ins.

  2. Click the plug-in you want to modify.

    The Plug-in Create/Edit page appears.

  3. Scroll down to Custom Attributes and click Add Attribute.

    The Edit Attribute page appears.

  4. Under name:

    1. Scope - Select Application if the attribute is only defined once for the application. Select Component if the attribute is defined each time the plug-in is referenced in a component.

    2. Attribute - Enter the sequence that correlates with the ATTRBUTE_XX columns and to the PL/SQL types defined in the apex_plugin package.

    3. Display Sequence - Enter the display sequence for this plug-in attribute in the Application Express Builder.

    4. Label - Enter the label that displays for this attribute in the Application Express Builder.

  5. For Settings:

    1. Type - Select the attribute type.

    2. Required - Select Yes if this attribute must be specified, otherwise, select No.

    3. Translatable - Select Yes if this attribute is included in the translation file, otherwise, select No.

    4. Display Width - Enter the length in characters displayed for this attribute in the Application Express Builder.

    5. Maximum Width - Enter the maximum number of characters users are allowed to enter for this attribute in the Application Express Builder.

  6. Under Default Value, specify a value to be used for this plug-in attribute when a new component is created that uses this plug-in. Use Y and N for attributes of type Yes/No.

  7. Under Condition:

    1. Depending on - Select the attribute the current attribute depends on

    2. Condition Type (only displays if dependant attribute) - Select the type of condition that must be met in order for this attribute to render.

    3. Expression (only displays if needed for condition type)- Enter expression that must meet the selected condition type. See item help for details.

  8. For Help Text, specify the help text that is displayed as context sensitive help for the attribute in the Application Express Builder.

  9. Under Comments, enter comments or notes that are never displayed when the application is running.

  10. Click Create to create the attribute and go back to the Edit page, or click Create and Create Another to create the attribute and continue to create another attribute.


If you click Create or Create and Create Another and the Return To Page checkbox on the right panel under Plug-ins is checked, this same Edit Attribute page displays.