
About Region Types

When you create a region, you select a region type. The Application Express engine interprets a region differently based on the type you select. Table: Region Types describes the available region types.

Region Types

Region Type Description


When you select HTML, the wizard prompts you to select one of the following:

  • HTML - Functions as containers for items and contains the HTML you provide. Any HTML you type may contain substitution strings.

  • HTML Text (escape special characters) - Same as HTML region, but the Application Express engine escapes special characters before they are rendered.

  • HTML Text (with shortcuts) - Same as HTML region, but with support for shortcuts.

See Also: "Using Shortcuts"

Multiple HTML

Use this option to create multiple HTML regions at once. In the fields provided, specify the Sequence, Title, Display Point, Report Template, and Column for each region.


Report regions can be defined by a SQL query you write, or by using a wizard to guide you through the steps needed to write a query.

See Also: "Creating Reports"


Form regions are used to contain a form.

See Also: "Creating Forms"


Chart regions contain line, bar, or pie charts based on SQL queries.

See Also: "Creating Charts"


List regions contain a shared collection of links called list.

See Also: "Creating Lists"


Breadcrumb regions contain a hierarchical list of links called a breadcrumb.

See Also: "Creating Breadcrumbs"

PL/SQL Dynamic Content

Regions based on PL/SQL enable you to render any HTML or text using the PL/SQL Web Toolkit.


Trees are a hierarchical navigational control based on a SQL query executed at run time. It enables the user to expand and collapse nodes.

See Also: "About Trees Created as Shared Components"


URL based regions obtain their content by calling a Web server using a predefined URL.

See Also: "Incorporating Content from Other Web Sites"


Calendar regions are used to contain a calendar.

See Also: "Creating Calendars"


Plug-ins allow developers to declaratively extend the built-in types available with Application Express.

See Also: "Implementing Plug-ins"

Help Text

Help Text regions enable you to provide page-level help.

See Also: "Creating a Help Page"


Map regions contain declaratively defined Flash maps.

See Also: "Creating Maps"

Region Display Selector

Region Display Selector region enables the display of show hide controls for each region on a page for which region display selection has been enabled.

See Also: "Creating a Region Display Selector"

See Also: