
Managing News Entries

Use the News region to communicate with other developers. You can add or view news entries posted by other workspace users. News displays on the Application Express home page, the Team Development home page, and News page.


Accessing the News Page

To access the News page.

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. On the Tasks list, click Manage News.

    The News page appears.

  3. Use the Search bar to filter the display. Available controls include:

    • Search icon - Resembles a magnifying glass. Click this icon to narrow your search to only specific columns. To search all columns, select All Columns.

    • Text area - Enter case insensitive search criteria (wild card characters are implied) and then click Go.

    • Go button - Executes a search or applies a filter.

    • View. Toggles between Report and Details views. To change the view, click the following icons:

      • View Report displays each entry as a line in a report.

      • View Detail displays detailed information about each news entry.

    • Actions menu - Displays the Actions menu. Use this menu to customize an interactive report. See "Using the Actions Menu".

Adding a News Entry

To add a news entry:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. On the Tasks list, click Manage News.

    The News page appears.

  3. To add news:

    1. Click Add News.

      The News page appears.

    2. Enter text in the News Entry field.

    3. Click Add News.

Editing or Deleting News

To edit or delete news.

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Team Development icon.

  2. On the Tasks list, click Manage News.

    The News page appears.

  3. To edit a news item:

    1. Click the Edit icon.

    2. Edit the news item.

    3. Click Apply Changes.

  4. To delete a news item:

    1. Click the Edit icon.

    2. Click Delete.