
Viewing Milestone Reports

Use milestone reports to view milestones from different perspectives.


About the Milestones Dashboard

The Milestones Dashboard displays an overview of milestones within the workspace. To filter by release, make a selection from the Release list. To view specific milestones, click the milestone hyperlinks or the milestone owner.

About Calendar View

The Calendar page displays milestones by date in a calendar format. To filter by release, make a selection from the Release list. Click the Previous and Next buttons to view other months. To view milestones for the current day, click Today. To view a specific milestone, click the hyperlink.

About Milestone Details

The Milestones Details page enables you to select a milestone and view Team Development objects associated with it (for example, features by owner, feature metrics, milestone exceptions, and so on). To view milestones associated with a specific owner, click the appropriate section of the pie chart. A report appears displaying milestones by owner.

To alter the chart, select another release or milestone and click Set. To return to the default chart, click Reset.

About Features by Milestone

Feature by Milestone displays a report of features associated with each milestone. This report is useful in tracking progress.