
Viewing Feature Reports

Use feature reports to view features from different perspectives.


About the Features Dashboard

The Feature Dashboard displays an overview of features defined within the workspace for the selected assignee, release, or application. Click the hyperlinks to drill into the selected feature, owner, contributor, and so on. The Dashboard page contains the following regions:

About Calendar

The Calendar page displays features by due date or date completed in a calendar format. Click the Previous and Next buttons to view other months. To view feature milestones for the current day, click Today. To view a specific feature, click the feature name.

About History

Displays a report of recently changed features, including the old value and new value as well as who made the update. To view a specific feature, click feature name.

The Change History page displays as an interactive report. To customize the report, use the Search bar at the top of the page. To learn more, see "Customizing Interactive Reports".

About Progress Log

Displays a report of progress log entries. The progress log shows all the progress entries across all features. To edit the log, click the Edit icon.

The Progress Log page displays as an interactive report. To customize the report, use the Search bar at the top of the page. To learn more, see "Customizing Interactive Reports".

About Focus Areas

Displays a chart of the number of features per defined focus area by release. To alter the chart, select another release or another assignee and click Set. To return to the default chart, click Reset.

About Owners

Displays a chart of the number of features by owner. To alter the chart, select another release, minimum status, or maximum status and click Set. To return to the default chart, click Reset.