
Viewing Bug Reports

Use bug reports to view bugs from different perspectives.


About the Bugs Dashboard

The Bugs Dashboard displays an overview of known software defects. The Dashboard page contains the following regions:

About Calendar

The Calendar page displays open bugs with an estimated close date, open bugs with no estimated close date, or closed bugs. Click the Previous and Next buttons to view other months. To view a specific bug, click the bug description.

About By Developer

The By Developer page displays bug by developer. To view bugs associated with a specific assignee, click the appropriate section of the pie chart. A report appears displaying bugs by developer.

To alter the chart, select another release and click Set. To return to the default chart, click Reset. To create a new bug, click Create Bug.

About By Day

The By Day page displays number of bugs opened and closed by day. To alter the bar chart, select another release and click Set. To return to the default bar chart, click Reset. To create a new bug, click Create Bug.