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How you set up Oracle Application Express depends upon your user role. If you are a developer accessing a hosted development environment, an administrator must grant you access to a workspace. If you are an Oracle Application Express administrator, you must perform the following steps:
Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. Oracle Application Express Administration Services is a separate application for managing an entire Oracle Application Express instance. You log in using the ADMIN
account and password created or reset during the installation process.
In a Web browser, navigate to the Oracle Application Express Administration Services application. By default, Oracle Application Express Administration Services installs to the following location:
If your setup uses the embedded PL/SQL gateway, go to:
is the name of the system where Oracle XML DB HTTP Server is installed.
is the port number assigned to Oracle XML DB HTTP Server. In a default installation, this number is 8080. See "Verifying the Oracle XML DB HTTP Server Port".
is the database access descriptor (DAD) defined in the configuration file.
If your setup uses the Oracle Application Express Listener, go to:
is the name of the system where Oracle HTTP Server is installed.
is the port number assigned to Oracle HTTP Server. In a default installation, this number is 8888. See the Oracle Application Express Listener documentation.
is the database access descriptor (DAD) defined in the configuration file.
If your setup uses Apache and mod_plsql
, go to:
is the name of the system where Oracle HTTP Server is installed.
is the port number assigned to Oracle HTTP Server. In a default installation, this number is 7777.
is the indicator to use the mod_plsql
is the database access descriptor (DAD) defined in the mod_plsql
configuration file.
On the Login page:
In Username, enter admin
In Password, enter the Oracle Application Express administrator account password you specified when you installed Oracle Application Express.
Click Login.
See Also: See "Logging in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide. |
Specify a provisioning mode. In Oracle Application Express Administration Services you must determine how the process of creating (or provisioning) a workspace will work. See "About Workspace Provisioning" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide.
Create a Workspace. A workspace is a virtual private database allowing multiple users to work within the same Oracle Application Express installation while keeping their objects, data and applications private. Each workspace has a unique ID and name. An Oracle Application Express administrator can create a workspace manually or have users submit requests. See "Creating Workspaces" and "Managing Workspace Requests" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide.
Log in to a Workspace. Once you create a workspace in Oracle Application Express Administration Services, return to the Oracle Application Express Login page and log in to that workspace. See "Logging In to Oracle Application Express as a Developer".