
Importing an Application, Page or Component Export

To import an Application, Page or Component Export into a target Oracle Application Express instance:

  1. Navigate to the Import page:

    1. On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.

    2. On the Application Builder home page, click Import.

  2. For Specify File, specify the following:

    1. Import file - Click Browse and navigate to the file.

    2. File Type - Select Application, Page, or Component Export.

    3. Verify that File Character Set is correct.

    4. Click Next.

    Once you import a file, you have the option to install it.

  3. To install an imported file, click Next.

    The Install Application wizard appears.

  4. In the Install Application wizard, specify the following:

    1. Parsing Schema - Select a schema.

      This is the schema against which all of the application's SQL and PL/SQL will be parsed.

    2. Build Status - Select one of the following:

      • Run Application Only - Users can only run an application.

      • Run and Build Application - Users can run an application and developers can both run and edit an application.

      Selecting Run Application Only is an effective way to protect an application from modifications from other developers.


      If you select Run Application Only, the only way to change this setting after you import the application is to log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Changing Application Build Status Set During Deployment" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide.

    3. Install As Application - Select one of the following:

      • Auto Assign New Application ID

      • Reuse Application ID From Export File

      • Change Application ID

      Use these options to avoid application ID conflicts. These options come in handy when you have two versions of the same application in the same instance. For example, you might be migrating an application to a production instance and still need to maintain the development version.

    4. Click Install.

      If you are installing a packaged application (that is, one for which you have defined Supporting Objects), the installer prompts you to install the packaged installation scripts. Follow the on-screen instructions.

About Importing Application Groups

Application groups are exported with an application, application exports include an group ID, name, and comments. When importing an application, the application import follows these rules: