
About the Home Page

The Home page contains four main regions:

Sales Quota demonstrates the use of a Flash Dial chart. This chart displays a value based on an underlying SQL statement. Although not demonstrated in this example, you can enable an asynchronous refresh by editing the attributes of a Flash chart.


The Flash Dial Chart only displays if you log in using the user name demo.

Top Customers is a report based on a SQL query and displays a subset of the information that appears on the Customers page. Users can link to additional details by clicking the customer name or by clicking the View Customer icon (a right arrow) in the upper right corner of the region.

Top Products is also a report based on an SQL query. This report displays a subset of the information that displays on the Products page. Users can link to product details by clicking the product name or by clicking the View Products icon in the upper right corner of the region.

Orders by Date displays orders by date and order amount. Users can view the Orders page by clicking the right arrow in the upper right corner.

Sample Application is a simple HTML region that displays static text. You can create this type of region to display explanatory information to users.

Tasks contains a list with links to other pages within the application. Links available on the Home page Tasks list include: