
Viewing and Editing Developer Comments

To edit a developer comment:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.

  2. Select an application.

  3. Click the Developer Comment icon.

    The Create Comment page displays in a separate window.

  4. Click View Comments.

    The View Comments page appears. See "About the Navigation Bar on the View Comments Page".

  5. To edit a comment, click the Edit icon.

    The Edit Comment page appears.

    1. In Relevant Page(s), specify the pages to which the comment applies. To enter a comment that:

      • Applies to a specific page, enter the page number.

      • Applies to multiple pages, enter a comma-delimited list of pages. For example:

        1, 2, 3 
      • Does not apply to a page or group of pages, leave this field blank.

    2. In Comment, enter up to 4000 characters of text.

  6. Click Apply Changes.


You can also view and edit Developer comments on the Shared Components page. Navigate to the Shared Components page and click Developer Comments on the Tasks list. See "Accessing the Shared Components Page".

About the Navigation Bar on the View Comments Page

A navigation bar appears at the top of the View Comments page and contains the following controls: