
Defining the Frequency and Scope

After creating the dynamic action, the scope of the action can be modified to trigger only once, for the lifetime of the current page, or until triggering elements are updated by a Partial Page Refresh (PPR).

To specify scope:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Page Definition. See "Accessing the Page Definition".

  2. Access the Edit Dynamic Action page:

    • Tree view - Under Page Rendering, locate Dynamic Actions. Right-click and select Edit.

    • Component view - Under Page Rendering, scroll down to Dynamic Actions and click the dynamic action you want to edit.

    The Edit Dynamic Action page appears.

  3. Scroll down to Advanced and for Event Scope make one of the following selections:

    1. bind - Binds the event handler to the triggering elements for the lifetime of the current page, but will no longer be bound if the triggering elements are updated by Partial Page Refresh (PPR).

    2. live - Binds the event handler to the triggering elements for the lifetime of the current page, including any elements that are updated by Partial Page Refresh (PPR).

    3. once - Binds the event handler to the triggering elements for a once only event.

  4. Click Apply Changes.