
Browsing a View

When you access a view in Object Browser, the Detail pane displays a report listing the columns in that view.

To browse a view:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then Object Browser.

    Object Browser appears.

  2. From the Object list, select Views.

  3. From the Object Selection pane, select a view.

    The view definition appears displaying the appropriate columns.

Summary of Available Views

Click the tabs at the top of the page to view different reports. Table: Available Views for Views describes all available views.

Available Views for Views

View Description


(Default) Displays the columns in the current view. Actions you can perform include:

  • Compile

  • Drop

See Also: "Editing a View", "Compiling a View", and "Dropping a View"


Displays the code editor.

See Also: "Editing a View".


Displays a report of the data in the columns in the view. Actions you can perform include:

  • Query - Enables you to sort by column. To restrict specific rows, enter a condition in the Column Condition field. Use the percent sign (%) for wildcards. From Order by, select the columns you want to review and click Query.

  • Count Rows - Enables you to count rows in the table.

  • Insert Row - Enables you to insert a row into the table.


Displays a list of grants associated with the columns in the view. Grant details include grantee, privilege, and grant options. Actions you can perform include Grant and Revoke.

UI Defaults

Displays user interface defaults for forms and reports. User interface defaults enable developers to assign default user interface properties to a table, column, or view within a specified schema.

Click Edit to edit existing user interface defaults. Click Create to initialize user interface defaults for views that do not currently have user interface defaults defined.

See Also: "Managing User Interface Defaults" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.


Displays a report showing objects referenced by this view, objects this view references, and synonyms for this view.


Displays the SQL necessary to re-create this view.