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Use this function to parse the response from a Web service that is stored in a collection and return the result as a CLOB type.
APEX_WEB_SERVICE.PARSE_RESPONSE ( p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2, p_xpath IN VARCHAR2, p_ns IN VARCHAR2 default null ) RETURN CLOB;
Table: PARSE_RESPONSE _CLOB Function Parameters describes the parameters available in the PARSE_RESPONSE_CLOB
PARSE_RESPONSE _CLOB Function Parameters
Parameter | Description |
The name of the collection where the Web service response is stored. |
The XPath expression to the desired node. |
The namespace to the desired node. |
The following example parses a response stored in a collection called STELLENT_CHECKIN
and stores the value in a locally declared CLOB variable.
declare l_response_msg CLOB; BEGIN l_response_msg := apex_web_service.parse_response( p_collection_name=>'STELLENT_CHECKIN', p_xpath=> '//idc:CheckInUniversalResponse/idc:CheckInUniversalResult/idc:StatusInfo/idc:statusMessage/text()', p_ns=>'xmlns:idc="http://www.stellent.com/CheckIn/"'); END;