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There is a procedure and a function to invoke a SOAP style Web service. The procedure will store the response in the collection specified by the parameter p_collection_name. The function will return the results as an XMLTYPE. To retrieve a specific value from the response, you use either the PARSE_RESPONSE function if the result is stored in a collection or the PARSE_XML function if the response is returned as an XMLTYPE. If you need to pass a binary parameter to the Web service as base64 encoded character data, use the function BLOB2CLOBBASE64. Conversely, if you need to transform a response that contains a binary parameter that is base64 encoded use the function CLOBBASE642BLOB.The following is an example of using the BLOB2CLOBBASE64 function to encode a parameter, MAKE_REQUEST procedure to call a Web service, and the PARSE_RESPONSE function to extract a specific value from the response.
declare l_filename varchar2(255); l_BLOB BLOB; l_CLOB CLOB; l_envelope CLOB; l_response_msg varchar2(32767); BEGIN IF :P1_FILE IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT filename, BLOB_CONTENT INTO l_filename, l_BLOB FROM APEX_APPLICATION_FILES WHERE name = :P1_FILE; l_CLOB := apex_web_service.blob2clobbase64(l_BLOB); l_envelope := q'!<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>!'; l_envelope := l_envelope '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:chec="http://www.stellent.com/CheckIn/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <chec:CheckInUniversal> <chec:dDocName>'||l_filename||'</chec:dDocName> <chec:dDocTitle>'||l_filename||'</chec:dDocTitle> <chec:dDocType>Document</chec:dDocType> <chec:dDocAuthor>GM</chec:dDocAuthor> <chec:dSecurityGroup>Public</chec:dSecurityGroup> <chec:dDocAccount></chec:dDocAccount> <chec:CustomDocMetaData> <chec:property> <chec:name></chec:name> <chec:value></chec:value> </chec:property> </chec:CustomDocMetaData> <chec:primaryFile> <chec:fileName>'||l_filename'||</chec:fileName> <chec:fileContent>'||l_CLOB||'</chec:fileContent> </chec:primaryFile> <chec:alternateFile> <chec:fileName></chec:fileName> <chec:fileContent></chec:fileContent> </chec:alternateFile> <chec:extraProps> <chec:property> <chec:name></chec:name> <chec:value></chec:value> </chec:property> </chec:extraProps> </chec:CheckInUniversal> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>'; apex_web_service.make_request( p_url => '', p_action => 'http://www.stellent.com/CheckIn/', p_collection_name => 'STELLENT_CHECKIN', p_envelope => l_envelope, p_username => 'sysadmin', p_password => 'welcome1' ); l_response_msg := apex_web_service.parse_response( p_collection_name=>'STELLENT_CHECKIN', p_xpath=>'//idc:CheckInUniversalResponse/idc:CheckInUniversalResult/idc:StatusInfo/idc:statusMessage/text()', p_ns=>'xmlns:idc="http://www.stellent.com/CheckIn/"'); :P1_RES_MSG := l_response_msg; END IF; END;