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Deletes all cached values for a region identified by the application ID, page number and region name.
APEX_UTIL.PURGE_REGIONS_BY_NAME ( p_application IN NUMBER, p_page IN NUMBER, p_region_name IN VARCHAR2);
Table: PURGE_REGIONS_BY_NAME Parameters describes the parameters available in PURGE_REGIONS_BY_NAME
Parameter | Description |
The identification number (ID) of the application. |
The number of the page containing the region to be deleted. |
The region name to be deleted. |
The following example shows how to use the PURGE_REGIONS_BY_NAME
procedure to delete all the cached values for the region 'my_cached_region
' on page 1 of the current application.
BEGIN APEX_UTIL.PURGE_REGIONS_BY_NAME( p_application => :APP_ID, p_page => 1, p_region_name => 'my_cached_region'); END;