
UPD_COLUMN Procedure

If the provided table and column exists within the user's schema's table based User Interface Defaults, the provided parameters are updated. If 'null%' is passed in, the value of the associated parameter is set to null.


    p_table_name            IN VARCHAR2,
    p_column_name           IN VARCHAR2,
    p_group_id              IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_label                 IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_help_text             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_display_in_form       IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_display_seq_form      IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_mask_form             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_default_value         IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_required              IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_display_width         IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_max_width             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_height                IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_display_in_report     IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_display_seq_report    IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_mask_report           IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
    p_alignment             IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL);


Table: UPD_COLUMN Parameters describes the parameters available in the UPD_COLUMN procedure.

UPD_COLUMN Parameters

Parameter Description


Name of table whose column's UI Defaults are being updated


Name of column whose UI Defaults are being updated


id of group to be associated with the column


When creating a form against this table or view, this will be used as the label for the item if this column is included. When creating a report or tabular form, this will be used as the column heading if this column is included.


When creating a form against this table or view, this becomes the help text for the resulting item.


When creating a form against this table or view, this determines whether this column will be displayed in the resulting form page. Valid values are Y and N.


When creating a form against this table or view, this determines the sequence in which the columns will be displayed in the resulting form page.


When creating a form against this table or view, this specifies the mask that will be applied to the item, such as 999-99-9999. This is not used for character based items.


When creating a form against this table or view, this specifies the default value for the item resulting from this column.


When creating a form against this table or view, this specifies to generate a validation in which the resulting item must be NOT NULL. Valid values are Y and N.


When creating a form against this table or view, this specifies the display width of the item resulting from this column.


When creating a form against this table or view, this specifies the maximum string length that a user is allowed to enter in the item resulting from this column.


When creating a form against this table or view, this specifies the display height of the item resulting from this column.


When creating a report against this table or view, this determines whether this column will be displayed in the resulting report. Valid values are Y and N.


When creating a report against this table or view, this determines the sequence in which the columns will be displayed in the resulting report.


When creating a report against this table or view, this specifies the mask that will be applied against the data, such as 999-99-9999. This is not used for character based items.


When creating a report against this table or view, this determines the alignment for the resulting report column. Valid values are L for Left, C for Center, and R for Right.


If p_group_id through p_alignment are set to 'null%', the value will be nullified. If no value is passed in, that column will not be updated.


The following example updates the column DEPT_NO within the EMP table definition within the UI Defaults Table Dictionary within the current schema, setting the group_id to null.

    apex_ui_default_update.upd_column (
       p_table_name    => 'EMP',
       p_column_name   => 'DEPT_NO',
       p_group_id      => 'null%' );