
Data Types used by APEX_PLUGIN Package

The data types used by the APEX_PLUGIN package are described in this section.

Data Types:


The following constants are used for display_location in the page item validation function result type t_page_item_validation_result.

c_inline_with_field           constant varchar2(40) := 'INLINE_WITH_FIELD';
c_inline_with_field_and_notif constant varchar2(40) := 'INLINE_WITH_FIELD_AND_NOTIFICATION';
c_inline_in_notifiction       constant varchar2(40) := 'INLINE_IN_NOTIFICATION';
c_on_error_page               constant varchar2(40) := 'ON_ERROR_PAGE';


The following type is passed into all dynamic action plug-in functions and contains information about the current plug-in.

type t_dynamic_action is record (
    id           number,
    action       varchar2(50),
    attribute_01 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_02 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_03 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_04 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_05 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_06 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_07 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_08 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_09 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_10 varchar2(32767) );


The following type is used as the result type for the AJAX function of a dynamic action type plug-in.

type t_dynamic_action_ajax_result is record (
    dummy boolean /* not used yet */


The following type is used as the result type for the rendering function of a dynamic action plug-in.

type t_dynamic_action_render_result is record (
    javascript_function varchar2(32767),
    ajax_identifier     varchar2(255),
    attribute_01        varchar2(32767),
    attribute_02        varchar2(32767),
    attribute_03        varchar2(32767),
    attribute_04        varchar2(32767),
    attribute_05        varchar2(32767),
    attribute_06        varchar2(32767),
    attribute_07        varchar2(32767),
    attribute_08        varchar2(32767),
    attribute_09        varchar2(32767),
    attribute_10        varchar2(32767) );


The following type is passed into all item type plug-in functions and contains information about the current page item.

type t_page_item is record (
    id                          number,
    name                        varchar2(255),
    label                       varchar2(4000),
    plain_label                 varchar2(4000),
    format_mask                 varchar2(255),
    is_required                 boolean,
    lov_definition              varchar2(4000),
    lov_display_extra           boolean,
    lov_display_null            boolean,
    lov_null_text               varchar2(255),
    lov_null_value              varchar2(255),
    lov_cascade_parent_items    varchar2(255),
    ajax_items_to_submit        varchar2(255),
    ajax_optimize_refresh       boolean,
    element_width               number,
    element_max_length          number,
    element_height              number,
    element_attributes          varchar2(2000),
    element_option_attributes   varchar2(4000),
    escape_output               boolean,
    attribute_01                varchar2(32767),
    attribute_02                varchar2(32767),
    attribute_03                varchar2(32767),
    attribute_04                varchar2(32767),
    attribute_05                varchar2(32767),
    attribute_06                varchar2(32767),
    attribute_07                varchar2(32767),
    attribute_08                varchar2(32767),
    attribute_09                varchar2(32767),
    attribute_10                varchar2(32767) );


The following type is used as the result type for the AJAX function of an item type plug-in.

type t_page_item_ajax_result is record (
    dummy boolean /* not used yet */


The following type is used as the result type for the rendering function of an item type plug-in.

type t_page_item_render_result is record (
    is_navigable     boolean default false,
    navigable_dom_id varchar2(255)          /* should only be set if navigable element is not equal to item name */


The following type is used as the result type for the validation function of an item type plug-in.

type t_page_item_validation_result is record (
    message          varchar2(32767),
    display_location varchar2(40),    /* if not set the application default will be used */
    page_item_name   varchar2(255) ); /* if not set the validated page item name will be used */


The following type is passed into all plug-in functions and contains information about the current plug-in.

type t_plugin is record (
    name         varchar2(45),
    file_prefix  varchar2(4000),
    attribute_01 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_02 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_03 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_04 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_05 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_06 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_07 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_08 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_09 varchar2(32767),
    attribute_10 varchar2(32767) );


The following type is passed into all process type plug-in functions and contains information about the current process.

type t_process is record (
    id                   number,
    name                 varchar2(255),
    success_message      varchar2(32767),
    attribute_01         varchar2(32767),
    attribute_02         varchar2(32767),
    attribute_03         varchar2(32767),
    attribute_04         varchar2(32767),
    attribute_05         varchar2(32767),
    attribute_06         varchar2(32767),
    attribute_07         varchar2(32767),
    attribute_08         varchar2(32767),
    attribute_09         varchar2(32767),
    attribute_10         varchar2(32767) );


The following type is used as the result type for the execution function of a process type plug-in.

type t_process_exec_result is record (
    success_message varchar2(32767)


The following type is passed into all region type plug-in functions and contains information about the current region.

type t_region is record (
    id            number,
    static_id     varchar2(255),
    name          varchar2(255),
    type          varchar2(255),
    source        varchar2(32767),
    error_message varchar2(32767),
    attribute_01  varchar2(32767),
    attribute_02  varchar2(32767),
    attribute_03  varchar2(32767),
    attribute_04  varchar2(32767),
    attribute_05  varchar2(32767),
    attribute_06  varchar2(32767),
    attribute_07  varchar2(32767),
    attribute_08  varchar2(32767),
    attribute_09  varchar2(32767),
    attribute_10  varchar2(32767) );


The following type is used as result type for the AJAX function of a region type plug-in.

type t_region_ajax_result is record (
    dummy boolean /* not used yet */


The following type is used as the result type for the rendering function of a region type plug-in.

type t_region_render_result is record (
    dummy boolean /* not used yet */