
Creating New User Accounts

To create a new user account:


You can also access the Create/Edit User page by clicking Create User on the Workspace Tasks list on the Instance Administration home page.

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Workspaces.

  3. Under Manage Workspaces, click Manage Developers and Users.

    The Manage Developers and Users page appears.

  4. Click Create User.

    The Create/Edit User page appears.

  5. Under User Attributes, enter:

    1. Username - Enter the username used to log in to the system. Restrictions include:

      • Maximum length of 100 characters

      • No spaces

      • Only these special characters are permitted: amerpsand (@) and period (.)

    2. Email Address - Enter the valid email address for this user.

    3. First Name - Enter the first or given name to further identify the user (optional).

    4. Last Name - Enter the last or family name to further identify the user (optional).

    5. Description - Enter comments about this user (optional).

  6. Under Account Privileges:

    1. Workspace - Select a workspace in which to create the user.

    2. Default Schema - Specify the default schema used for data browsing, application creation, and SQL script execution.

    3. User is an administrator - Specify if this user should have workspace administrator privileges.

      Administrators are given access to all components. Additionally, they can manage user accounts, groups, and development services. Components may not be available if they are switched off by Instance Administrators.

    4. User is a developer - Specify if this user should have developer privileges.

      Developers must have access to either Application Builder, SQL Workshop, or both. Components may not be available if they are switched off by Instance Administrators.

    5. Application Builder Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the Application Builder.

    6. SQL Workshop Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the SQL Workshop.

    7. Team Development Access - Determines whether a developer has access to the Team Development.

    8. Account Availability - Select Locked to prevent the account from being used. Select Unlocked to allow the account to be used.

  7. Under Password:

    • Password - Enter a case sensitive password.

    • Confirm Password - Enter the password again.

    • Require Change of Password On First Use - Select No to require this user to change his or her password at first log in. Select Yes to require the user to change the password immediately after logging in the first time.

  8. Click Create or Create and Create Another.


An Instance administrator can configure these settings for an entire Oracle Application Express instance and define password complexity policies. See "Enabling Login Controls for All Workspaces". "About Password Policies", and "Configuring Password Policies"