
Managing Workspace Requests

A Workspace Request enables a user to request a workspace by clicking a link on the login page to access a request form. Once submitted, the Instance administrator can review the request and either approve or decline it. To learn more about configuring an instance to use workspace requests, see "Specifying a Provisioning Mode".


Approving or Declining a Pending Workspace Request

To approve or decline a pending workspace request:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Requests.

  3. Click the All Workspace Requests tab.

    The Workspace Requests page displays as an interactive report. To customize the report, use the Search bar at the top of the page. See "Customizing Interactive Reports" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

  4. Locate a request to review.

  5. To edit or review the request, click the Edit icon. On the Provision Request page you can:

    • Edit the request and click Apply Changes.

    • Delete the request by clicking Delete.

  6. Return to the All Workspace Requests page.

  7. To approve a request:

    1. Click Provision in the Actions column.

    2. On the Provisioning Administration page, click Approve.

    3. Review the email message.

    4. If needed, update the message and click Approve and Send Email.

      If you selected the Provisioning Status, Email Verification, an email containing a verification link is sent to the user. To create the workspace, the user must click the verification link to create the workspace. See "Specifying a Provisioning Mode".

  8. To decline a request:

    1. Click Provision in the Actions column.

    2. On the Provisioning Administration page, click Decline.

    3. Review the email message.

    4. To add information, such as the reason for declining a request, update the message and then click Decline and Send Email.

      The email is sent to the user notifying them the request was declined.

More About the Approval Process

If you are using Email Verification, when an Instance administrator approves a workspace request, the following events occur:

  1. An email containing a verification link is sent to the user.

  2. When user clicks the verification link, the workspace is created.

  3. Another email is sent to the user containing login credentials (that is, the workspace name, User ID, and password).

  4. The status of the workspace request changes from Accepted to Approved.

If the user fails to click the verification link, you can quickly delete the request by clicking the DELETE link in the Action column.

When an Error Occurs

If an error occurs during the workspace creation process, the status of the request reverts to Requested and an email is sent to the user containing the following message:

Please contact administrator.

Once the issue is resolved, the administrator can again repeat the previous procedure and approve the request.

Changing the Status of an Existing Workspace Request

To change the status of an existing workspace request:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Requests.

  3. Click the All Workspace Requests tab.

    The Workspace Requests page displays as an interactive report. To customize the report, use the Search bar at the top of the page. See "Customizing Interactive Reports" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.

  4. Uncheck the Filter Status_Code = '1' to review all workspace requests.

  5. Locate a request to review.

  6. Click the Adjust link in the Actions column.

    The Adjust Request page appears.

  7. From the Project Status list, select a new status.

  8. Click Apply Changes.


Be careful when setting the Project Status to Requested. Although Requested enables you to reprovision a workspace, it could result in data corruption due to the manner in which accounts are provisioned. The provisioning system assumes Requested workspace requests do not have the corresponding schemas and dictionary entries for a Workspace administrator or developers. If you must change the Project Status for an Approved workspace to Requested, terminate the service first and then change the status to Requested.

Deleting a Workspace Request

To delete a workspace request:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. See "Logging in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services".

  2. Click Manage Requests.

  3. Click All Workspace Requests.

    The Workspace Requests page appears.

  4. Uncheck the Filter Status_Code = '1' to review all workspace requests.

  5. Click the Edit icon for the request you want to delete.

  6. On the Provision Request page, click the appropriate button:

    • If the Project Status is Approved, click Terminate or Delete.

    • If the Project Status is Declined, Requested, Terminated, or Accepted, click Delete.

  7. Click Delete Request.