
About Workspace Provisioning

When an Instance administrator creates a new workspace with a new schema, a new tablespace and datafile are created for that schema. The datafile for the new tablespace is managed by Oracle-managed files if Oracle-managed files is enabled.

Using Oracle-managed files simplifies the administration of the Oracle database and eliminates the need for the database administrator (DBA) to directly manage the operating system files that comprise the database. Using Oracle-managed files, the DBA specifies operations in terms of database objects rather than file names. The datafile for the new tablespaces are named according to the Oracle-managed files conventions. The placement of these files is determined by the database initialization parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST.

If the Oracle-Managed Files is not enabled, the datafile is created in the same directory as the first datafile of the tablespace in which Oracle Application Express is installed.

See Also:

"Using Oracle Managed Files" in Oracle Database Administrator's Guide